Try To Imagine Your Life Without A Computer

Samory Borry | 11:43 PM | 0 commentaires

Today, we do almost everything with our computers. We do our banking, shopping pretty much everything. What would you do if somebody came into your house and took your computer away? I bet you would totally freak out. Just imagine what it would be like to pay your bills by physically going to the electric company or maybe even the phone company. I remember back in the day that paying bills took most of the day in some cases.

Another way we use our computers is for downloading songs and movies. Gone are the days where you have to go to your favorite store to buy that flashy new CD or DVD. They are all available right in our living rooms with the click of a button. I will admit that in years past it was actually a lot of fun to go searching for the best CD for that Saturday night party. The new generation will never know what that is all about.

Try To Imagine Your Life Without A Computer

Most of us actually spend a good part of our day working on the computer. Almost all businesses use computers to store important info such as employee information, business transactions along with countless other data. Can you imagine what would happen if somebody came into your business and told you that you could not use your computer for a month? For one month, you had to do all your transactions on paper the old fashioned way. There would be mass chaos in your office! It would be so hard to function and run the business. In addition, you would have to add more personnel onto your workforce besides that.

Personally, I am on my computer probably about 90% of the day doing all sorts of projects from writing articles such as this to repairing computers remotely. Virtually everything I do is done on the computer. If I could use the computer to cut the grass, I would probably do that. Wait that would make a great Android App. Remote control for your lawn mower!

Another use for computers is to manage your company's website. In years past, marketing was usually limited to newspaper ads and flyers. If you were fortunate enough to be wealthy, you might do ads on TV or radio. Today, every business has a website. If you do not have one, you are in the minority. People use the Internet for searching for almost everything. Most businesses get a good part of their business in this manner. You can see how important that website management for your business is.

Shopping is probably one of the biggest things some of us do in our day-to-day tasks. Can you imagine doing it all without a computer? I know I cant. I use my computer almost every week for ordering something whether it is through Amazon or Sears. It is so much easier then using gas to go from store to store only to find that nobody has what you are looking for. Shopping without a computer is not an option for most of us.

Social media is another important tool for advertising your business. Media such as Facebook and Twitter are just a couple of examples of places where companies advertise and promote on the web. Facebook has become an extremely important tool in getting your information out there. In addition to traditional Facebook there is also Facebook advertising. With so many folks using this media you are sure to get a few clicks on your ad.


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