Laptop, Tablet, E-Reader - Which To Get?

Samory Borry | 7:03 PM | 0 commentaires

If you are similar to most people out there, technology fascinates and enthralls you, but there are also aspects of it that confuse and even overwhelm you (such as: why are there so many different products that seem to all offer the same thing, and which of these products should I purchase?); if you want to take full advantage of everything technology has to offer, however, it will be beneficial for you to know exactly what products are right for you, and why this is the case. As such, here is a closer look at exactly what laptops, tablets, and e-readers have in common, and which of these products best suit your needs.

Laptop, Tablet, E-Reader - Which To Get

Laptops: Laptops, of course, have been around longer than the other two items, and the virtues and benefits of a good laptop are probably well known to you already; with a laptop, you will have a complete personal computer that you can bring with you anywhere you go - and this means that you will be able to do everything from surf the Internet to edit your pictures to compose Word documents and PowerPoint presentations to just about anything else you can think of.

Tablets: On the other hand, many people wonder why they would need a laptop if they can get a tablet for even less money - with the assumption that the tablet can do the same things a laptop can do; the truth, however, is that tablets are not yet true laptop replacements (however much some of them claim to be!), as their computing power - not to mention their ease of use for true computing tasks - does not match up with real laptops. Of course, then the question becomes: "If it doesn't replace a laptop, why get one in the first place?" When it comes down to it, tablets are what could essentially be termed "luxury devices" (devices that are not "necessary," but that do offer a great deal in the way of positive uses), and the intuitive design and ease of use of most tablets make them the preferred device for surfing the web, playing games, interacting with others, and simply kicking back and relaxing.

E-Readers: And finally, a great number of people ask, "Why would I need an e-reader if I already have a tablet?" This is a fairly reasonable question to ask, but one thing this fails to take into account is that one of the big things detractors of e-books said, when e-books first began to become popular, was that they would rather read words off a page than deal with the glare of a computer screen; while reading from a tablet does not correct this problem, however (that is, while reading from a tablet is pretty much the same - as far as treatment on your eyes - as reading from a computer screen), e-readers use "e-ink." This makes the pages of an e-reader look and feel just like the pages of a book, making them a tremendous device for easy reading!

The best approach, honestly, is to own all three devices, as you can use your laptop for tasks, your tablet for relaxing, and your e-reader for reading - but this guide should give you an idea of where you should prioritize each item if you can only purchase one at the moment!


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