As I remember, my family was one of the first families in our neighborhood to purchase a television. The year was either 1949 or in the early 1950s. The television had a black & white 10-inch screen in the middle of a large wooden cabinet. Everyone on our block who was available at the time the technician did the installation was present for the event. I remember clearly when the television was turned on; the first image on the screen was that of the Lone Ranger and his stallion Silver standing in his famous two legged pose. All of those who were in attendance roared with approval.

Prior to T.V. the main source of getting outside communication of world events was through the radio. I can remember our family members gathering around the radio on a rainy Sunday evening listening to the radio dramas in silence and with intense concentration. One good thing about this form of entertainment was that each person had to use their own imagination to form mental pictures to go along with the dialogue that they were listening to. This is something that the younger generations of our society have no concept of today. It seems that many of our citizens do not exercise the option of innovative thinking and would rather have someone else make their decisions for them. This can be a dangerous practice especially when those who are making the decisions do not have the person's best interest in mind.

The Concept of Television Exposed

The concept of Television

After evaluating the role that television has played in American society for the past half century it is clear to me what has happened.

During the later part of the 1800s and the first part of the 1900s, the industrial revolution was instrumental in changing our nation into a nation of consumers. One way to accomplish this was to convince the masses that they needed what was being produced to make their lives easier and more comfortable. This could be accomplished by advertisement and getting the messages out via the mass media (radio, print and eventually television.) The first thing that needed to be done in the first half of the twentieth century was to make sure that there was a television in every home or in a location that would reach the most people.


In the early 1950s I can remember hearing the term "Madison Avenue" was used a lot, but I had no idea what it meant until much later in life. This term referred to the vast advertising media that was located on the east coast. During the early years of television in America, it appears that the programmers devised certain test to see what the viewing public was interested in seeing and concentrated on refining those television programs that would garner the most attention from the viewers. At this time the shows used most of the allotted time to tell their stories and the commercials (advertisements were slowly slipped in), and took up a minimum amount of time. Now that the majority of the viewing audience has had time to become adequately hooked on T.V., the programmers have become bolder and the advertisements may take up as much as 60 to 75 percent of a program's viewing time to sell products. This fact has not escaped my keen eye and I refuse to cooperate with the deception.


Wake up America and return to reading books, art, and other positive cultural activities. Also a word of caution is be careful what you read, make sure that it has some positive value and adds to your intellectual growth.
The design of a telescopic mast is such that its various sections can be caved into each other. Such masts find a wide range of applications, and there are many manufacturers and dealers for it. If you are looking for one, you should try the hobbyists' stores catering to radio buffs, suppliers of camping goods and stores selling telecom equipment. You can also source one straight from the manufacturers; some of them could even be willing to make it as per your requirements.

Introduction to Telescoping Masts

Masts are frequently used in the field of telecommunications to boost up the signal. The taller the mast, the better is the quality of signal. However, it is quite cumbersome to shift a full length mast for mobile communications. Moreover, a fully extended mast does not make a pleasant sight and could discourage radio enthusiasts from using one, as it could disturb the neighbors. Moreover, users would like the area around their home to remain orderly, except when they need to receive or transmit signals.

Since a telescopic mast can easily be folded to a convenient length, its handling and transportation becomes very convenient. It can easily be shifted to any desired site by being attached to a car or another vehicle. Whenever you want to use it, simply remove it from the vehicle, extend it to its full length and secure it in place. Once the job is over, you can fold and store it back.

You also get telescopic masts that can be attached to trucks and cars to facilitate the transportation. During transportation, they are folded to prevent any navigational hazard and can easily be corrected when reaching the site. These kinds of masts are usually used by the trucks employed by the armed forces for catching communication signals while moving. These masts may be installed on other structures, including homes, and can be kept in pulled back position when not being used. They also form a part of a field kit, enabling the user to erect them on ground and use them for communication in extended position.

Telescopic masts are manufactured from various materials. The choice of material needs to take into consideration two important factors. One is the location of the mast, and the other is its utility. Apart from these two factors, there are also other factors that need a careful assessment while finalizing the material of any telescopic mast. For instance, the overall length of the collapsed mast needs to be known before hand. Likewise, you should also know if the mast is going to be self-supporting or not. In case it is not self-supporting, what type of attachments will be needed at its base for providing the needed support? The weight of the mast, governed by the material used for its construction, should also be considered.
Making use of desktop programs remotely can be extremely useful, as not only do you get to share the data stored on your PC, you can also use administrative tools from another location. Despite these benefits, a lot of people have mentioned concerns with regards to the security of remote connections. With cyber crime on the increase, and with hackers coming up with new and more inventive ways to gain access to other people's computers, these concerns need to be addressed.

Remotely Keeping Your PC Secure

Of course, you should not let your fear with regards to security affect you in such a way that you avoid using remote connections, and so long as you follow the advice given in this article, there is no reason why you should not be able to use remote connections securely.

Keep your Security Patches Updated

This is essential if you wish to avoid hackers getting control of your system by hacking in to your remote connection. It is important that you update the programs that you use to gain remote access to your computer, but also to other programs such as your internet browsers and the operating system. Software patches are often released at regular intervals and they are usually free, this is because software is often released with flaws despite rigorous testing.

Making use of Security Programs

Making sure that your computer system is well protected against cyber attacks is essential, especially as new threats are popping up on a regular basis. Some anti-virus programs are available to download for free, and they will be able to deal with all kinds of threats, including worms, keyloggers and Trojans. It is important that you activate automatic updates as these will help to keep your anti-virus programs up to date, and ready to deal with the latest threats.

There are other things that you can do in order to stay safe once you have set up a remote connection, such as educating yourself on some of the newer threats that you may encounter. Reading publications related to the world of computer and IT security is likely to give you the information that you need to be able to take the actions required to avoid falling victims to hackers.

You can also do other things such as making sure that your password that is not easy to guess, as well as making sure that you do not share that password with anyone else. Other safety rules include not opening links and attachments from email addresses that you are not familiar with.
Sometime last year, a cousin of mine came hurriedly claiming that a single missed call could help Anna Hazare in his anti-corruption drive. The idea was to garner enough support from the people so that they could pressurize the government to accept the Lokpall Bill. Having spent donkeys years in the field of mobile marketing, I could do nothing but smile at his naiveté. Missed call marketing is one of the many strategies used by marketing to gather attention among the public.

Bulk SMS Software for a Better Business

SMS marketing is one of the best ways to promote products and services that are provided by any business. Today businesses no longer rely on traditional media for the sale of their services. Sending bulk SMSes is a cost efficient marketing tool for present day businesses. Mobile marketing is available in various forms and applications which simplifies the sending and receiving of promotional messages. The whole process is rendered quick and convenient. In the world of marketing, it is advisable not to be slow as if you miss a chance once, you miss it forever.

The bulk SMS software targets thousands of thousands of customers and it can be installed in the systems for streamlining the process. If you are to target so many customers with a single business message, it is not easy to manage things. The SMS software sends out SMSes in bulk to multiple audiences within a short span of time. This is why it is important for a business to know its clients who can be accessed through the database and receive the message with a single click. This would have otherwise been a complicated task.

Through this form of SMS marketing, companies can save huge costs which they would have otherwise had to pay the marketing and advertising agencies.The SMS software makes use of a short code which is also known as a short number. Short codes are special telephone numbers which are comparatively shorter than the full telephone numbers and are used for addressing MMS and SMS messages from the fixed phones or mobile phones of a certain provider. By sending bulk SMSes, you can simplify the marketing procedure of businesses across the world.

Marketers need to go for innovation in their techniques and the SMS marketing process is simply successful. People carry their mobile phones wherever they go and this growing trend has attracted the attention of marketers who want to cash in using bulk SMS services. With the software, you can send unlimited SMSes to the targeted audience which bridges the gap between the end user and the business providing these services. It takes the business to a new high. Consequently, the operations are improved and this translates into better revenues.

In the increasingly competitive world, businesses can thrive only by adopting competitive marketing strategies. Do not ignore the bulk SMS software which offers instant feedback.
Spring has arrived, and we're not talking about Spring MVC. This time of year everyone is ready to shake off the shackles of winter and start fresh. The time for spring cleaning is here! This year we'd like you to take a different approach. The fact is, many IT employers emphasize the necessity of clean code. If their employees work on a team it's often one of the most crucial aspects of a developer's skills. It's easy to slip into sloppy code writing or forget a few things over the years so even if you're a veteran at writing code, it might not always be as clean as it needs to be. Time to make a change! Here are a few resources we found to help you out:

Spring Cleaning: Clean Up Your Code

1) Clean Code Bible: Okay, so that's not actually the title of Robert C. Martin's revered text on coding. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftmanship promises to instill the values of a software craftsman into its readers. This book helps beginners understand the difference between functioning code and clean code and reminds veteran programmers that there's always room for improvement.

2) Just Press Clean: Although your boss might not encourage it, using sites like Dirty Markup are a quick and easy way to catch your mistakes. Just input your HTML, CSS or JavaScript code and press the clean button. Although we don't encourage relying on this to clean up your code for you, it's a great tool for pointing out some messy mistakes you might not realize you're making. It erases the mistakes from your original code so it's easy to compare the original to the cleaned up version to see where sloppiness resides in your code. Then take the initiative to make adjustments!

3) Cheat Sheet: If you find yourself committing minor code offenses but don't have much time to study, review some online coding guidelines. They'll give you a crash course in clean code and are easy to refer to at a moment's notice. Just make sure not to use these as a crutch! They're great as a quick refresher but can be detrimental to your performance if you can't work without them.

Your front-end design may be streamlined and visually appealing, but that doesn't mean your backend coding is without clutter. Take time this spring to adopt clean coding habits. Your teammates and employers--both future and present--will thank you for it.

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