Slow Computer? A Simple Trick Computer Technicians Use to Boost Computer Speed & Reliability

Samory Borry | 1:09 AM | 2 commentaires

Computers are great when they run quickly & smoothly, but as soon as they run slow, they quickly become extremely annoying and frustrating to use. Millions of people have to put up with using slow computers every day, and if you're one of them, the good news is that there is a simple trick computer technicians use to help boost the speed of any Windows system in just a few minutes. Here's what you need to do...

The way to boost the speed of your PC is to fix the problems that cause it to run slowly. There are a variety of issues which can cause a computer to slow down, but there's one that causes Windows to take longer to open up your programs & your system. The most common reason why your PC is running slow is that the 'registry' database is continually being corrupted and damaged. This database is one of the most important parts of your system, and is actually the most likely reason why your PC is running slow.

The trick that many computer technicians use to boost the speed of slow computers is to "clean out" the registry database and make Windows able to read it a lot easier. The registry is basically a central database inside Windows, which stores a lot of important files & information your system needs to run. Everything from your desktop wallpaper to your Internet favorites are kept in this database, making it one of the most vital parts of all Windows systems. It's best to think of the registry as like a "telephone directory" for your PC - storing important settings that your computer can look up at any time.

The big problem with the registry database is that it contains so much valuable information that Windows is continually saving many of its listings in the wrong way, making them extremely difficult to read. This is like taking the telephone directory and mixing all the pages up - leading Windows to take longer to read the settings it requires to run, slowing it down and causing a lot of problems on your system. Not many people even know the registry exists inside Windows, but it's one of the most important parts of your PC which needs to be kept in top condition.

The good news is that you can now fix the registry, like the computer pros, and make your PC run extremely fast again. There are effective software programs called "registry cleaners" which have been designed to repair the errors inside the registry, allowing your computer to run much faster and without many errors. Many computer tech's use registry cleaner programs to scan through slow PCs and repair the errors that could be causing them to run slow.

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